Digital Marketing in 2026 in Latin America
Can I predict the future? No, I’m not a magician, but I can project some trends that will help us visualize what’s to come in the world of Digital Marketing in Latin America.
For this, I’ll share a graph with data from Colombia, Chile, Mexico, and the United States on internet penetration in the population, extracted from the World Bank database, a reliable and globally recognized source for comparing diverse situations in countries.
To obtain updated information for 2022, I researched differences in internet penetration, types of use, access type, and investment levels, among other factors, in each Latin American country. However, each country has its own culture, history, types of use, and segments, which could lead to a complete thesis on the subject (in fact, I’m starting to write one).
Based on the data collected, I can project the following:
- - In three years, 100% of job offers in the Marketing field will include one or more requirements related to digital skills.
- The demand for Digital Marketing programs will increase, and new courses and teachers will emerge to cover the growing need for talent in this area.
- DATA will be the main topic in Marketing in three more years.
Are you prepared for this?
These projections based on data indicate that Digital Marketing will continue to evolve, and it’s essential to stay updated in terms of skills and knowledge to keep up with this constantly changing field.
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